Education WP 3.3.6 - 2018-03-29
- Added Maintenance page template.
- Updated Kindergarten child theme.
- Improved styles.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (outdated template in LearnPress 3.0.4, notices in Course Category editor, issue with some Customize options...).
Education WP 3.3.5 - 2018-03-23
- Improved styles (Coming Soon Courses, Courses Colection, Kindergarten child theme, demo Edtech...).
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issue with LearnPress 3.x, notices in Event pages...).
Education WP 3.3.4 - 2018-03-19
- Improved styles (RLT, lesson template, demo Edtech course template...).
- Added Polish translation packages for the theme.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issue with Coming Soon Courses template...).
Education WP 3.3.3 - 2018-03-16
- Improved styles (quiz template, course template...).
- Updated languages package.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (wrong lesson index, discount price in Related Courses section...).
Education WP 3.3.2 - 2018-03-14
- Prepared for the next LearnPress 3.0.
- Improved widgets (Course Categories List, Courses...).
- Improved demo Edtech RTL.
Education WP 3.3.1 - 2018-03-01
- Prepared for the next LearnPress 3.0.
- Improved styles (demo Edtech, responsive, WooCommerce, RTL...).
- Improved widgets (Instructors List, Portfolios...).
Bug fixes
- Fixed a WooCommerce outdated templates.
Education WP 3.3.0 - 2018-02-09
- Prepared for the next LearnPress 3.0.
- Improved styles (demo Edtech, responsive, WooCommerce...).
- Updated languages.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a WooCommerce outdated templates.
Education WP 3.2.1 - 2018-01-18
- Improved styles for demo Edtech.
- Prepared for the next LearnPress 3.0.
- Updated responsive style.
- Updated demo data.
- Updated documentation.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (missing Finish Course button, issue with Membership price display...).
Education WP 3.2.0 - 2018-01-09
- Added a brand new prebuilt demo - Edtech (new Bootstrap layouts, new course layout, and so much more...).
- Prepared for the next LearnPress 3.0.
- Updated all styles.
Bug fixes
Education WP - 2017-11-28
- Updated demo content.
- Improved WordPress 4.9 compatibility.
- Improved styles (RTL, responsive...).
Bug fixes
Education WP 3.1.9 - 2017-11-23
- Updated Turkish language (thanks to @AliIsingor).
- Improved WordPress 4.9 compatibility.
- Added full-width menu layout.
- Added option to show popular courses in Courses page.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (missing course category in WP 4.9, a PHP notice in Heading widget, forum link issue...).
Education WP 3.1.8 - 2017-11-17
- Optimized Thim widgets and Thim shortcodes.
- Updated languages package.
- Updated styles (responsive, RTL...).
- Updated all demo data.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (LearnPress outdated templates, register membership, SSL redirect...).
Education WP 3.1.7 - 2017-11-01
- Added Turkish translation packages for the theme.
- Added option to show/hide category description.
- Updated LearnPress (version outdated templates.
- Updated all demo data.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issue with WC product images, issue with WC event notification...).
Education WP 3.1.6 - 2017-10-16
- Added Danish translation packages for the theme.
- Added new option to adjust course tabs (menu Customize / Courses / Single Pages).
- Updated styles (membership pages, single course pages, portfolio pages...).
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (WooCommerce outdated templates, SSL issue with Popup Login...).
Education WP 3.1.5 - 2017-09-29
- Improved courses purchasing on mobile devices.
- Improved WooCommerce process.
- Improved events registration.
- Update styles (responsive for membership templates, View Cart button, RTL styles...).
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (lesson block content issue, Grid/List option, ...).
Education WP 3.1.4 - 2017-09-20
- Added a new page template - Blank Page.
- Added option to show a number of Our Team members per pages.
- Updated a notice when a course full.
- Updated Kindergarten child theme.
- Changed expired events order.
- Fixed and improved styles.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issue with WC variant products, issue with LP non-login users...).
Education WP 3.1.3 - 2017-08-25
- Added option to adjust columns in blog page.
- Updated register redirection in events.
- Updated languages package.
- Updated styles.
Bug fixes
- Fixed pre-loading icon in RTL mobile mode.
- Fixed an issue with grouped sub menus.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
Education WP 3.1.2 - 2017-08-08
- Added Spanish translation packages for the theme.
- Improved style (responsive, courses, shop...).
- Improved some functions (breadcrumb in event pages, Our Team widget...).
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with PHP 5.2 or lower.
- Fixed a WooCommerce outdated template.
Education WP 3.1.1 - 2017-06-27
- Added Display Settings for product pages.
- Supported popup login when LearnPress-WooCommerce addon enabled.
- Improved Style (mega menus, responsive and RTL).
- Prepared for the next LearnPress 2.1.7.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issue with booking events when users not login, issue with new Text widget in WordPress 4.8...).
Education WP 3.1.0 - 2017-06-08
- Added display settings for products and collections.
- Supported lesson comments.
- Improved Eduma package.
- Improved responsive style.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issue with booking free events, issue with course thumbnail...).
Education WP - 2017-05-31
- Updated Eduma documentation.
- Updated some course icons.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a style issue with long lesson/quiz titles.
Education WP 3.0.9 - 2017-05-30
- Added Customize options for Forum pages.
- Added icons for Customize sections.
- Improved styles. (WooCommerce buttons, RTL, courses...).
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issues with localhost site, issues with event widgets...).
Education WP 3.0.8 - 2017-05-24
- Added Customize options for Testimonial and Portfolio.
- Updated all demos data.
- Improved Coupon option for LearnPress-WooCommerce Payment addon.
- Improved LearnPress-Paid Memberships Pro Integration addon.
- Improved UI-UX for Eduma Setup.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs (issues with Commission addon, an AJAX process with Eduma theme...).
Education WP 3.0.7 - 2017-04-27
- Updated all demos data.
- Updated WooCommerce (version 3.0.4) outdated templates.
- Updated to latest version of Slider Revolution plugin.
- Improved styles (RTL, courses, products, portfolios...).
- Improved portfolio's options.
- Improved Customize options.
Education WP - 2017-04-18
- Added color option for portfolios.
- Updated Eduma child themes.
- Updated LearnPress add-ons package.
- Improved styles.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs with LearnPress.
Education WP 3.0.5 - 2017-04-11
New features
- Added Display Settings box for each course.
- Removed ThimCore package from Eduma theme folder.
- Updated WooCommerce (version 3.0.1) outdated templates.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue with course wishlist button.
Education WP 3.0.4 - 2017-04-05
- Improved updating process (from Eduma 2.x to Eduma 3.x).
- Updated ThimCore version 1.0.4.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some customize options (Blog Title, Social Sharing).
Education WP 3.0.3 - 2017-03-30
- Improved installing Eduma child-themes process.
- Improved updating process.
- Added notice to remove Thim Framework plugin.
- Updated ThimCore version 1.0.3.
Education WP 3.0.2 - 2017-03-28
New features
- Added installation add-ons interface.
- Improved updating process.
- Improved adding custom background image for categories.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some customize settings (Copyright Text and Custom CSS).
Education WP 3.0.1 - 2017-03-24
Bug fixes
- Fixed missing style on child theme.
Education WP 3.0.0 - 2017-03-24
New features
- Added Thim Core plugin(new customizer, new post meta, new demo importer...).
- Optimized performance.
- Added Persian translation package for the theme.
- Added media intro for courses.
- Updated to latest version 5.4.1 of Slider Revolution plugin.
- Updated to latest version 5.1 of Visual Composer plugin.
- Updated icons for widgets and shortcodes.
- Updated LearnPress (version 2.1.5) outdated templates.
- Updated Kindergarten Child Theme.
- Improved style.
Bug fixes
Education WP 2.8.6 - 2017-02-24
New features
- Added TP Events - WooCommerce Payments add-on.
- Added Mexican Spanish, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese translation packages for the theme.
- Updated TP Events 2.0.
- Updated Kindergarten Child Theme.
- Updated LearnPress premium add-ons.
- Updated Tax Meta Class library.
- Updated LearnPress (version 2.1.4) outdated templates.
- Improved styles (shop, LP profile...).
Education WP 2.8.5 - 2017-02-10
New features
- Optimized database queries.
- Updated Memberships add-on (improve membership duration process).
Bug fixes
- Fixed HTTP header conflict.
- Fixed an issue with Cookies (login with an incognito browser).
Education WP 2.8.0 - 2016-12-21
New features
- Added a brand new Pre-built DEMO for University (v4 - SiteOrigin).
- Supported LearnPress - Coming Soon Courses add-on
- Improved updater from Visual Composer (from version 5.0).
- Updated LearnPress (version outdated templates.
- Updated LearnPress - Certificates add-on.
- Updated LearnPress - WooCommerce Payments add-on.
Education WP 2.7.0 - 2016-11-21
New features
- Added new lessons pop-up style.
- Supported slider, PDF, Powerpoint... for lessons.
- Improved course templates, Kindergarten demo, responsive style, RTL.
Bug fixes
- Fixed some minor bugs with Courses widget.
Education WP 2.6.0 - 2016-11-11
New features
- Added a brand new Pre-built DEMO for University (v3 - SiteOrigin).
- Improved Kindergarten Child Theme.
- Updated to latest version 5.0 of Visual Composer plugin.
- Updated event participants section.
Education WP 2.5.0 - 2016-09-23
New features
- Supported Visual Composer page builder :)
Bug fixes
Education WP 2.4.0 - 2016-06-20
New features
- Added a brand new Pre-built DEMO for Kindergarten (child theme).
- Added Timetable widget.
- Improved sub-menu style.
- Improved LearnPress style.
- Updated LearnPress WooCommerce Payments add-on.
- Updated to latest version of Slider Revolution plugin.
Bug fixes
- Fixed outdated WooCommerce templates.
Education WP 2.3.0 - 2016-05-30
New features
- Integrated with Paid Membership Pro plugin.
- Supported courses membership features.
- Added link target option for menu items.
Education WP 2.2.0 - 2016-04-28
New features
- Added a brand new Pre-built DEMO for Courses Hub.
- Added Courses Collection widget.
- Improved auto play option for carousel.
Bug fixes
Education WP 2.1.0 - 2016-04-21
New features
- Added a brand new Pre-built DEMO for Languages School.
- Improved Courses widget.
- Improved Icon Box widget.
- Improved responsive.
- Improved gallery popup.
- Improved events
- Updated to latest version 5.2.5 of Slider Revolution plugin.
Bug fixes
- Fixed pre-loading on IE 11.
Education WP 2.0 - 2016-04-11
New features
- Upgraded to LearnPress version 1.0
- Added events registration feature.
- Updated to latest version of Slider Revolution plugin.
- Improved menu style.
- Improved site performance.
Education WP 1.0 - 2015-12-22
New features
- The most amazing Education WordPress Theme was born :)