=== WooCommerce === Contributors: automattic, mikejolley, jameskoster, claudiosanches, claudiulodro, kloon, rodrigosprimo, jshreve, coderkevin Tags: ecommerce, e-commerce, store, sales, sell, shop, cart, checkout, downloadable, downloads, paypal, storefront, woo commerce Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 4.9 Stable tag: 3.3.5 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html WooCommerce is a powerful, extendable eCommerce plugin that helps you sell anything. Beautifully. == Description == WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell anything, beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce solution that gives both store owners and developers complete control. With endless flexibility and access to hundreds of free and premium WordPress extensions, WooCommerce now powers 30% of all online stores -- more than any other platform. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KahlicghaE] = Sell anything, anywhere = With WooCommerce, you can sell both physical and digital goods in all shapes and sizes, offer product variations, multiple configurations, and instant downloads to shoppers, and even sell affiliate goods from online marketplaces. With premium extensions, you can offer bookings, memberships, and recurring subscriptions. Perhaps you’d like to sell monthly subscriptions for physical goods, or offer your members a discount on digital downloads? It’s all possible. = Ship wherever you like = Offer free shipping, flat rate shipping, or make real-time calculations. Limit your shipments to specific countries, or open your store up to the world. Shipping is highly configurable, and WooCommerce even supports drop shipping. = Extensive payment options = WooCommerce comes bundled with the ability to accept major credit cards, PayPal, BACS (bank transfers), and cash on delivery. Need additional options? More than 140 region-specific gateways integrate with WooCommerce, including popular choices like Stripe, Authorize.Net, and Amazon Payments. = You control it all -- forever = WooCommerce gives you complete control of your store, from taxes to stock levels to customer accounts. Add and remove extensions, change your design, and switch settings as you please. It’s all under your control. One of the biggest risks of using a hosted eCommerce platform is what happens to your store if the provider closes up shop. With WooCommerce, you have complete control, so there’s never any reason to worry. Your data belongs to you -- and it’s kept secure, thanks to regular audits by industry leaders. = Define your style with Storefront = [Storefront](https://wordpress.org/themes/storefront/) is a free WordPress theme available to any WooCommerce store. Along with deep WooCommerce integration, Storefront prioritizes speed and uptime while eliminating theme and plugin conflicts during major updates. Define your style even further by customizing Storefront to your liking or choosing from one of our several [Storefront child themes](https://woocommerce.com/product-category/themes/storefront-child-theme-themes/). It’s all up to you, and all open source. = Built with developers in mind = Extendable, adaptable, and open source -- WooCommerce was created with developers in mind. With its strong, robust framework, you can scale your client’s store all the way from basic to high-end (infinity and beyond). Built with a REST API, WooCommerce can integrate with virtually any service. Your store’s data can be accessed anywhere, anytime, 100% securely. WooCommerce allows developers to easily create, modify, and grow a store that meets their specifications. No matter the size of the store you want to build, WooCommerce will scale to meet your requirements. With a growing collection of more than 300 extensions, you can enhance each store’s features to meet your client’s unique needs -- or even create your own solution. If security is a concern, rest easy. WooCommerce is audited by a dedicated team of developers working around the clock to identify and patch any and all discovered bugs. We also support WooCommerce and all its extensions with comprehensive, easily-accessible documentation. With our docs, you’ll learn how to create the exact site your client needs. = Extensions galore = WordPress.org is home to some amazing extensions for WooCommerce, including: - [Google Analytics](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-google-analytics-integration/) - [Delivery Notes](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-delivery-notes/) - [PDF Invoices and Packing Slips](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-pdf-invoices-packing-slips/) - [Affiliates Integration Light](https://wordpress.org/plugins/affiliates-woocommerce-light/) - [New Product Badges](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-new-product-badge/) Keen to see them all? Search WordPress.org for ‘WooCommerce’ to dive in. If you’re looking for something endorsed and maintained by the developers who built WooCommerce, there are a plethora of premium eCommerce extensions, the most popular of which include: - [WooCommerce Subscriptions](https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/) - [WooCommerce Memberships](https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-memberships/) - [WooCommerce Bookings](https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-bookings/) - [Dynamic Pricing](https://woocommerce.com/products/dynamic-pricing/) - [Table Rate Shipping](https://woocommerce.com/products/table-rate-shipping/) - [Product CSV Import Suite](https://woocommerce.com/products/product-csv-import-suite/) And there’s plenty more where they came from. Visit our [extensions page](https://woocommerce.com/product-category/woocommerce-extensions/) to find out everything you’re capable of and all that's possible with premium WooCommerce extensions. = Join our growing community = When you download WooCommerce, you join a community of more than a million store owners, developers, and WordPress enthusiasts. We’re one of the fastest-growing open source communities online, and whether you’re a n00b or a Ninja, we’d love to have you! If you’re interested in contributing to WooCommerce we’ve got more than 350 contributors, and there’s always room for more. Head over to the [WooCommerce GitHub Repository](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce) to find out how you can pitch in. Want to add a new language to WooCommerce? Swell! You can contribute via [translate.wordpress.org](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/woocommerce). And, finally, consider joining or spearheading a WooCommerce Meetup locally, more about those [here](https://woocommerce.com/woocommerce/meetups/). == Installation == = Minimum Requirements = * PHP version 5.2.4 or greater (PHP 5.6 or greater is recommended) * MySQL version 5.0 or greater (MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended) * Some payment gateways require fsockopen support (for IPN access) * WooCommerce 2.5 requires WordPress 4.1+ * WooCommerce 2.6 requires WordPress 4.4+ Visit the [WooCommerce server requirements documentation](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/server-requirements/) for a detailed list of server requirements. = Automatic installation = Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. In the search field type “WooCommerce” and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our eCommerce plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking “Install Now”. = Manual installation = The manual installation method involves downloading our eCommerce plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains [instructions on how to do this here](https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation). = Updating = Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case. If on the off-chance you do encounter issues with the shop/category pages after an update you simply need to flush the permalinks by going to WordPress > Settings > Permalinks and hitting 'save'. That should return things to normal. = Sample data = WooCommerce comes with some sample data you can use to see how products look; import sample_products.xml via the [WordPress importer](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/). You can also use the core CSV importer or our [CSV Import Suite plugin](https://woocommerce.com/products/product-csv-import-suite/) to import sample_products.csv. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I find WooCommerce documentation and user guides? = For help setting up and configuring WooCommerce please refer to our [user guide](https://docs.woocommerce.com/documentation/plugins/woocommerce/getting-started/) For extending or theming WooCommerce, see our [codex](https://docs.woocommerce.com/documentation/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-codex/). = Where can I get support or talk to other users? = If you get stuck, you can ask for help in the [WooCommerce Plugin Forum](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce). For help with premium extensions from WooCommerce.com, use [our helpdesk](https://woocommerce.com/my-account/tickets/). = Will WooCommerce work with my theme? = Yes; WooCommerce will work with any theme, but may require some styling to make it match nicely. Please see our [codex](https://docs.woocommerce.com/documentation/plugins/woocommerce/woocommerce-codex/) for help. If you're looking for a theme with built in WooCommerce integration we recommend [Storefront](https://woocommerce.com/storefront/). = Where can I request new features, eCommerce themes and extensions? = You can vote on and request new features and extensions in our [WooIdeas board](http://ideas.woocommerce.com/forums/133476-woocommerce) = Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project? = Bugs can be reported either in our support forum or preferably on the [WooCommerce GitHub repository](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/issues). = Where can I find the REST API documentation? = You can find the documentation of our REST API on the [WooCommerce REST API Docs](https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/). = WooCommerce is awesome! Can I contribute? = Yes you can! Join in on our [GitHub repository](http://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/) :) == Screenshots == 1. The slick WooCommerce settings panel. 2. WooCommerce products admin. 3. Product data panel. 4. WooCommerce sales reports. 5. A single product page. 6. A product archive (grid). == Changelog == = 3.3.5 - 2018-04-10 = * Fix - Shop page notice should not appear when edting the "Hello World!" page. * Fix - Inconsistent order item refund sign. * Fix - Change `wc_get_price_excluding_tax` to not round the return value so calculations in admin are not pre-rounded. * Fix - Use minimum price instead of maximum price when ordering variable products from low to high on term archives. * Fix - `order` and `orderby` on shop page when using rewrite rules. * Fix - Ajax loading spinner when using twentyseventeen theme. * Fix - Out of Stock products change stock to On Backorder when imported to update existing products. * Fix - Visibility dropdown not responding in quick edit when stock management is disabled. * Fix - Featured paramenter in products endpoint on REST API. * Fix - Linebreaks in order item meta. * Fix - Product rating count when updated by admin. * Tweak - Define array before attempting to append to it. * Tweak - Change WC WP-CLI commands default per_page value to 100. * Tweak - Ensure background process class returns `data` as an array. * Tweak - Increase orders table checkbox column size on small devices. * Tweak - Better support for infinite scroll in Jetpack. = 3.3.4 - 2018-03-20 = * Fix - Fixed undefined index after running setup wizard two times on fresh install. * Fix - wc_get_loop_class; force columns to be a minimum of 1. * Fix - Added loading spinner to WC panels in menu admin. * Fix - Use relative scheme for AJAX endpoint to avoid errors when using a mix of HTTP and HTTPS. * Fix - Fix SelectWoo templateSelection property. * Fix - Layered nav support on unsupported theme archives. * Fix - Prevent full refresh when editing store notice in the customizer. * Fix - Only append tax label in email content if taxes are enabled. * Fix - More reliable Jetpack detection. * Fix - Check if product has weight before calculate weight total in cart. * Fix - Correctly handle default ordering on the search page. * Fix - Fix default product category handling in installer. * Fix - Properly check slugs when updating attributes. * Fix - Use gallery thumbnail size for variation image switcher. * Fix - Clear subcategory cache when updating product categories. * Fix - Round fractional cents when out of base. * Fix - Inherit 'is variation' from existing attribute during csv import. * Fix - Set is_shortcode loop prop when outputting subcategories. * Fix - Reload gateways after updating the order. * Tweak - Use wc_get_default_products_per_row as the default for product shortcodes. * Tweak - Add post_excerpt to product search. * Tweak - Update the description of the user tracking notice in the onboarding wizard. * Tweak - Add extra data in order mobile view (status and date). * Tweak - Add profile link to order screen. = 3.3.3 - 2018-02-21 = * Fix - Fixed is_numeric check which was affecting order subtotals/totals when using comma decimal separator. * Fix - Add missing direct script access checks to loop templates. * Fix - Added wp-post-image class to main image so variation images are swapped correctly. * Fix - API - Adjusted schema for products shipping_class_id to integer. * Fix - Made init tooltips event more specific to avoid conflict with Product Invoices extension. = 3.3.2 - 2018-02-20 = * Fix - Fixed admin product SKU searching and searching non-published products. * Fix - PHP7.1 notice when image height is empty. * Fix - Prevent repeated update_option calls on page load due to php type juggling. * Fix - Only do unsupported template rendering in the loop to prevent conflicts with other shortcodes on the shop page. * Fix - Don't prepend regular shortcodes with categories. * Fix - If using get_catalog_ordering_args. remove the args when finished. * Fix - Remove "Type" column on attributes table by default unless custom types are defined. * Fix - Use verbose page rules when shop is in the URL, including shop base with category, to prevent 404s. * Fix - Set woocommerce_hide_invisible_variations to true so disabled variation attributes are hidden on product pages. * Fix - Help tip for webhook status. * Fix - Shipping zone documentation help link was printing wrong. * Fix - Stop background processing images when disabled via the filter. * Fix - Only search when a search term is provided. Ignore empty strings. * Fix - Fix check for external resources. * Fix - Show full date for future orders. * Fix - Prevent JS error is 'orders' row is disabled on order screen. * Fix - Fix save of tax settings when no changes have been made. * Fix - Add nonce to logout link on my account page so you do not need to confirm the action. * Fix - Fix plain text entity replacement so currency symbols are included. * Fix - API - Set status after order is created/updated so triggered emails are current. * Fix - API - Fix single webhook endpoint. * Tweak - Added help text for background image processing. * Tweak - Added notice when background image processing is running, with cancel button. * Tweak - Run background image processing less often by tracking changes. * Tweak - Added system status tool to run background image processing manually. * Tweak - If using Jetpack Photon, use that instead of background image processing. * Tweak - Gallery thumbnail image size to handle small, square cropped images. * Tweak - Helper function (and template version bump for image templates) to render gallery images. * Tweak - Add help text for the default category to explain usage. * Tweak - Allow changing the default product category. * Tweak - Tweak mobile view of order preview to improve layout in non-english. * Tweak - If selecting text, don't link to order on row click. * Localization - Remove isle of man state. = 3.3.1 - 2018-02-06 = * Fix - Added `woocommerce_output_product_categories` to replace `woocommerce_product_subcategories` function to prevent outdated theme template files from outputting categories on the shop and category pages in err. * Fix - Prevented columns from being set to anything lower than 1. * Fix - Added extra error checking in Webhooks API to prevent notices when deleting Webhooks. * Fix - Prevented list table classes being loaded multiple times. This also fixes compatibility with Smart Coupons extension. * Fix - Removed stray debug string from order email template and fixed some typos. * Fix - Set up the loop when calling wc_get_loop_prop. Fixes compatibility with some themes. * Fix - Remove multiple application of filter 'woocommerce_order_item_product'. * Fix - Protect against theme support being defined too late. Fixes some issues with custom themes defining WooCommerce support incorrectly. * Fix - Add fallback for themes that just get the pagination template. * Fix - Made the on-the-fly image regen also regenerate missing sizes. * Fix - Fixed missing user_id in webhook migration script. * Fix - Allow uncategorized category to be sorted like the others. * Fix - If theme support changes, we may need to flush permalinks since some are changed based on this flag. * Fix - Fire hooks for pagination etc only when pagination is enabled. * Fix - Default HTML in end wrapper template. * Fix - Prevent regular pagination showing on archives for unsupported themes. * Fix - Fix shop when shown as homepage in unsupported themes. * Fix - Fix SKU mapping for placeholders during CSV import. * Fix - Use CRUD search helper in admin products table so partial SKU search works. * Fix - Fix bulk sale/regular price percentage handling. * Fix - More specificity on smallscreen style override for columns. * Tweak - Add notice for moved store notice setting. * Tweak - Allow removing coupons on editable orders only. * Tweak - Extended the background processing library to avoid changing methods in the library. * Tweak - Do not show row settings if something is managing the number of products per page. * Tweak - Allow devs to add 'no-link' class to elements to prevent order view link being triggered on row click. * Tweak - Made woocommerce_resize_images filter more useful by calling it later. * Tweak - Revert default columns back to 4 so it's consistent with 3.2. = 3.3.0 - 2018-01-30 = * Feature - Improved default appearance in themes which do not support WooCommerce, making the shop page shortcode based. * Feature - Products shortcodes; improved random sorting, with some caching. * Feature - Products shortcodes; support for pagination. * Feature - Added new options to the WordPress Appearance Customizer; control the product grid (rows and columns), and image sizes. * Feature - Improved how image sizes are defined and calculated. Set an aspect ratio (custom, 1:1, uncropped) and image sizes will be automagically calculated based on widths. * Feature - Changing image sizes will trigger automatic thumbnail regeneration in the background. * Feature - Improved how downloads are stored within products, and added new reporting/logging features to track who downloaded what, when. * Feature - Improved the overall appearance of the backend orders list, and added a new 'preview' button to quickly see order details. * Feature - New default sample data and placeholders. * Feature - Added sandbox and live API details to the PayPal standard data, as well as an indication on the checkout to what mode is currently active. PayPal IPN email notifications are also now optional. * Feature - Introduced product category threshold filter (`woocommerce_product_category_filter_threshold`). AJAX powered select will kick in when you have over 100 categories. * Feature - Added `add_to_cart_description` method and aria-labels to cart buttons in the loop for accessibility. * Feature - Ability to search in logs when the database logger is used. * Performance - Adjusted how permalinks are retrieved and saved to avoid switching locales on each page load. * Performance - Added cache when loading product variation attributes. * Fix - Fix wc_notice_count logic. * Fix - Correct bulk edit price formatting. * Fix - Ajax add-to-cart button shortcode fix for variations. * Tweak - Update billing if account form changes. * Tweak - Remove videos from help sections. * Tweak - Preserve seconds when saving order date. * Tweak - Allow quantities less than 1, but not 0, in admin. * Tweak - Post types with no archives should not show in breadcrumb. * Tweak - Only load session handler class on frontend not during cron. * Tweak - Moved the 'Store Notice" option into the customizer. * Tweak - Checkout Postcode / Zip validation error message was missing Billing / Shipping Identification. * Tweak - Added Iris color picker validation. * Tweak - Use scrollIntoView on checkout. * Tweak - Converted input submit elements to button submit elements across the entire codebase for consistency. * Tweak - Added `{site_title}` replacement for email footers. * Tweak - Added delete product confirmation if a product has had sales. * Tweak - Improved when "incl. VAT" is displayed in cart totals. * Tweak - Use base text color for links in email templates. * Tweak - Show theme overrides that are done through the wc_get_template filter in the system status report. * Tweak - Added nofollow tags in layered nav to prevent duplicate indexed content. * Tweak - Hide "incl. VAT" when no rates are defined in "single total" display mode. * Tweak - Added replay protection for refunds. * Tweak - GeoDB empty file handling. * Tweak - Let wp_signon handle email to username conversion. * Tweak - Made email field wider on checkout. * Tweak - Post entire shipping selection when showing multiple packages. * Dev - REST API - Orders should be created for users who exist on the site only. * Dev - REST API - Fixed default value of "dp" on orders and refunds endpoints. * Dev - Theming - Added theme support variables to declare image sizes used for products. * Dev - Theming - Added support for single-product-postname.php template files. * Dev - Added actions before calculations order totals and taxes and is_vat_excempt support. * Dev - Add filter 'woocommerce_coupon_get_apply_quantity'. * Dev - Grouped products; added filters to allow custom columns and changes to values. * Dev - Allow for cloning the WC_Cart object * Dev - Apply filters to registration-error-email-exists error. * Dev - Added `woocommerce_cross_sells_order` filter. * Dev - Add order-details `before` hooks to complement existing hooks. * Dev - WC_CHUNK_SIZE constant for controlling readfile. * Dev - Add short circuit to customer bought product function. * Dev - Added a `wc_caught_exception` method to aid with logging. * Dev - Added Data stores and CRUD for working with Webhooks. * Dev - Bumped minimum WP version requirement to 4.5 and removed legacy API files. * Dev - New actions - `woocommerce_order_details_before_order_table_items`, `woocommerce_order_details_after_order_table_items` and `woocommerce_order_details_before_order_table` * Dev - Passed `widget_id` to `content-widget-product.php` so actions can be ran conditionally, and added sanitisation to `woocommerce_before_widget_product_list` and `woocommerce_after_widget_product_list`. * Dev - Improved the `is_internal_meta_key` checks to consider getters and setters. * Dev - Cleaned up the Order Customer Details template. * Dev - JavaScript payment_method_selected events on checkout. * Dev - Add new `$order->get_edit_order_url()` method. * Dev - Pass through options to zoom, flexslider, and photoswipe. * Dev - Added actions before and after scheduled sales initiation and completion. * Localization - Add direction character to currency output. * Localization - States for Tanzania and Moldova. [See changelog for all versions](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/woocommerce/woocommerce/master/CHANGELOG.txt). == Upgrade Notice == = 3.0 = 3.0 is a major update. Make a full site backup, update your theme and extensions, and [review update best practices](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/how-to-update-your-site) before upgrading.