=== LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin ===
Contributors: thimpress, tunnhn, phonglq.foobla, thongta, kendy73, leehld
Donate link:
Tags: WordPress LMS, LMS, eLearning, e-Learning, Learning Management System, LMS WordPress, Course, Courses, Quiz, Quizzes, Training, Guru, Sell Courses
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 4.9.5
Stable tag: 3.0.7
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
A WordPress LMS Plugin to create WordPress Learning Management System. Turn your WP to LMS WordPress with Courses, Lessons, Quizzes & more.
== Description ==
**WordPress LMS Plugin** - LearnPress is a comprehensive *WordPress LMS Plugin* for WordPress, just like WordPress Moodle or Moodle for WordPress if you know what Moodle is. This is one of the best WordPress LMS Plugins can be used to easily create & sell courses online. Each course curriculum can be made with lessons & quizzes which can be managed with easy-to-use user interface, we really made it for lazy people.
Live Demo | LearnPress Themes
LearnPress is free and always be free, but it has premium high quality WordPress Plugin which will probably help you make money from your **WordPress based LMS**, try and see how it is. LearnPress WordPress Online Course plugin is lightweight but super powerful with lots of add-ons to empower its core system.
> **New Year Sale - 10 Days Left - Limited Time Offer**
> [Click here](https://goo.gl/JzwYkj) to get a coupon for 20% Off all Learnpress Add-ons
> Or you can buy [Education WP Theme](http://themeforest.net/item/education-wordpress-theme-education-wp/14058034?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=learnpressDC&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress) for only $69 and get all of them.
> **HOT!!** [WordPress theme for Coaches, Trainers, Teachers - Coaching WP](https://themeforest.net/item/speaker-and-life-coach-wordpress-theme-coaching-wp/17097658?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=learnpressDC&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress) is also FOR SALE at only $59, LearnPress included.
> [Course Builder Wordpress Theme](https://themeforest.net/item/course-builder-wordpress-learning-management-system-theme-elearning-software/20370918?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=learnpressDC&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress) - WordPress LMS theme for online courses is also FOR SALE at only $64, Learnpress included.
###LMS & Education WordPress Themes###
Take a look at Premium **[Education WordPress Theme](http://themeforest.net/item/education-wordpress-theme-education-wp/14058034?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=learnpress&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress)**, **[Coaching WordPress Theme](https://themeforest.net/item/speaker-and-life-coach-wordpress-theme-coaching-wp/17097658?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=learnpress&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress)** & **[LMS WordPress Theme](http://themeforest.net/item/lms-wordpress-theme-elearning-wp/11797847?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=learnpress&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress)** (someone calls it LMS WordPress Template) we designed to work with LearnPress, all developers are welcome to develop WordPress LMS Theme based on LMS plugin for WordPress - LearnPress. More WordPress LMS Themes will come soon, both free WordPress themes as well as premium WordPress themes for LearnPress.
###LearnPress Tutorials###
- **[How to create a Udemy or Coursera clone easily with LearnPress](https://thimpress.com/create-udemy-coursera-clone-easily-learnpress/?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=learnpress&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress)**
- Step-by-step Youtube guide on setting up your own Online Course site. **[Click here >>](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTtZ_CpWDOY)**
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTtZ_CpWDOY&hd=1&&cc_load_policy=1]
Are you looking for *best LMS WordPress plugin*?
###LearnPress features###
**LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin works with your theme**
We create LearnPress LMS Plugin to work with any WordPress themes.
**LearnPress supports WordPress Multisite**
Create WordPress based LMS as multiple sites.
**Create course**
LearnPress LMS Plugin provide an excellent user interface to create a course with options you need. You can find it easy to make a full curriculum layout as well as edit and maintain it.
You can also export course and import to other website which also using LearnPress. We will provide the feature allow you to import course from other WordPress LMS plugins soon.
**Manage course**
With the course you've created, you can share it, manage it, watch statistic about number of student, its trend, etc.
**Sell course**
LearnPress is free but it still allow you to sell courses you create with support many billing method such as Paypal, WooCommerce, Stripe, etc.
**Communicate with your students**
With BuddyPress support, LearnPress will help you to communicate with your student or instructor via WordPress forum. Learning is not only on your own. Study, make friends and have fun.
**LearnPress provide a bunch of add-on**
Add-on is used to providing extra features for LearnPress and you can also write it.
**LearnPress is free and always will be**
Education should be free and we want you to bring it to as many people as you can. Therefore, we create LearnPress as a tool for you to create course and share it. We'll continue developing it as long as we can and make it better and better.
**LearnPress is actively developed**
We are developing and improving LearnPress day by day and bringing new features to you cos we want LearnPress to become the **best WordPress LMS plugin**.
LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin Documentation
###Free add-ons for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin###
- [LearnPress Wishlist](https://wordpress.org/plugins/learnpress-wishlist) - add courses to a wishlist for students.
- [LearnPress Course Review](https://wordpress.org/plugins/learnpress-course-review) - review course for enrolled students.
- [LearnPress Import/Export](https://wordpress.org/plugins/learnpress-import-export) - export or import course or courses out-of-box.
- [LearnPress Prerequisites Courses](https://wordpress.org/plugins/learnpress-prerequisites-courses) - require student to pass some courses in order to enroll other course.
- [LearnPress bbPress Integration](https://wordpress.org/plugins/learnpress-bbpress) - add bbPress Forum support for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin.
- [LearnPress BuddyPress Integration](https://wordpress.org/plugins/learnpress-buddypress) - add BuddyPress support for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin, turn your WordPress BuddyPress website into *BuddyPress LMS* (*BuddyPress Learning Management System*)".
###Premium add-ons for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin###
- [Assignments add-on for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/mycred-add-on-for-learnpress/) - Newly released - Allowing instructors to give assignments, homework for students and they can grade the students' work later on. The Assignments add-on is a great supplement to LearnPress and will make your course more interactive.
- [myCRED add-on for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/mycred-add-on-for-learnpress/) - adding myCRED support for LearnPress WordPress LMS plugin, you can add point system to your eLearning WordPress site using LearnPress + myCRED add-on.
- [Certificates add-on for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/certificates-add-on-for-learnpress/) - adding drag & drop certificates builder as well as selecting designed certificate for each LMS course, your student will get particular certificate when they finished a course.
- [Co-instructors add-on for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/co-instructors-add-on-for-learnpress/) - multiple instructors support for each LMS course.
- [Collections add-on for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/collections-add-on-for-learnpress/) - making LMS courses collection by selecting number of courses, this is helpful if you want to combine multiple LMS courses into a collection for a group of skills.
- [Stripe Payment method for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/stripe-add-on-for-learnpress/) - Stripe payment method for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin.
- [2Checkout add-on for LearnPress](https://thimpress.com/product/2checkout-add-learnpress/) - makes LearnPress plugin ready to use 2Checkout payment gateway to pay for courses.
- [Authorize.Net add-ons for LearnPress](https://thimpress.com/product/authorize-net-add-ons-learnpress/) - Authorize.Net payment method for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin.
- [WooCommerce add-on for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/woocommerce-add-on-for-learnpress/) - using WooCommerce as payment gateway for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin.
- [Content Drip add-on for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/content-drip-add-on-for-learnpress/) - the feature to restrict the access of student to each lesson by progress, or time.
- [Sorting Choices question type for LearnPress](http://thimpress.com/product/sorting-choice-add-on-for-learnpress/) - another interactive question type for LearnPress.
- [Commission add-on for LearnPress](https://thimpress.com/product/commission-add-on-for-learnpress/) - provide a Commission Management system for LearnPress.
- [Gradebook add-on for LearnPress](https://thimpress.com/product/gradebook-add-on-for-learnpress/) - provides you features to view your class result, export these result to csv, post those to frontend.
- [Random Quiz add-on for LearnPress](https://thimpress.com/product/random-quiz-add-on-for-learnpress/) - allows you to create a random questions quiz. Each student will get different quiz within a same course.
- [Paid Membership Pro add-on for LearnPress](https://thimpress.com/product/paid-membership-pro-add-learnpress/) - integrates Paid Membership Pro with LearnPress, bring membership feature to your powerful WordPress based LMS system.
###LearnPress has been translated into the following languages###
1. English
2. French
3. Indonesian
4. Italian
5. German
6. Polish
7. Russian
8. Dutch
##WordPress LMS Plugin - LearnPress ROADMAP##
- Payment Method support (first priority)
- Authorize.net (DONE)
- 2Checkout (DONE)
- Google Checkout
- Amazon Payments
- Dwolla
- Braintree
- Samurai by FeeFighters
- WePay
- Assignment - **DONE** - [check LearnPress Assignments Add-on HERE](https://thimpress.com/product/assignments-add-on-for-learnpress/)
- Events
- Share Grade
- BadgeOS
- Manually reset quiz for retake
- Create quiz from randoms questions in question bank (DONE)
- Attachment restriction for lesson
- Mathjax support
- Presentation support (maybe support SlideShare)
- Show enrolled user
- Student ranks
- REST API for mobile app
- No distraction mode (when doing quiz)
- Report/feedback about a question/quiz/lesson
- Commission for payment method (DONE)
- Instructor's note
- Private message from Admin to teacher
- Group payment
- Announcement (come up with email)
Any suggestions for this WordPress LMS Plugin? Send us here.
== Installation ==
**From your WordPress dashboard**
1. Visit 'Plugin > Add new'.
2. Search for 'LearnPress'.
3. Activate LearnPress from your Plugins page.
**From WordPress.org**
1. Search, select and download LearnPress.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Dashboard.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= What is LearnPress? =
LearnPress is a plugin to create a LMS website, to spread out course, or sell course.
= Where can I find LearnPress documentation and user guides? =
If you want to use LearnPress to build a Learning Management Website, please refer to our user guides in LearnPress official site.
And if you want to extending or theming LearnPress, see our Wiki.
= Where can I get support or talk to other users? =
If you get troubles when using LearnPress you can ask for help on the LearnPress Support Forum or join the private Facebook group. You could share your feedback about LearnPress. And let us know which feature you would like us to build next.
For help with premium add-ons, use our helpdesk.
= Where can I ask for new features or suggest ideas or themes for LearnPress? =
You can send us your ideas through form here.
= Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project? =
You can also report bugs on LearnPress Support Forum or LearnPress Github Repository.
= Where can I find the REST API documentation? =
We will provide documentation about LearnPress REST API really soon.
= LearnPress is great, can I contribute to it? =
Yes, you can and we appreciate it. Join in our Github Repository.
**LearnPress Translation project**
== Screenshots ==
1. Curriculum - Drag and Drop lesson or quiz.
2. Lesson content.
3. Quiz preview.
4. General settings.
5. Quiz settings.
6. Email settings.
7. Demo course page.
8. Add-ons of LearnPress.
== Changelog ==
= 3.0.7 =
~ Improved: ui/ux when adding/removing course items
~ Improved: ui/ux when adding/removing questions of a quiz
~ Improved: auto focus mouse to input when changing type of new course item
~ Improved: show confirm message before removing course item to trash
~ Improved: move item to trash when delete instead of delete it permanently
~ Improved: changed icon to turn on/off an item is preview and add tooltip
~ Improved: removed green effect when updating via ajax
~ Improved: focus mouse on search input when searching items
~ Improved: show button for closing popup
~ Improved: flush Hard Cache when updating post
~ Improved: updated metabox to latest version and changed textdomain
~ Fixed: pending course does not show for instructor
~ Fixed: filter lessons/quizzes by course does not work properly
~ Fixed: wrong currency symbol for Turkish lira
~ Fixed: division by zero when calculating course results
~ Fixed: get default thumbnail image for archive course if it option is turn of
~ Removed: option thumbnail size for single course
~ Improved somethings...
= 3.0.6 =
~ Fixed: missing 'Instructors Registration' option
~ Fixed: cannot start quiz or complete lesson
~ Fixed: can view a quiz/lesson although it does not assign to a course
~ Fixed: wrong count number in courses manage
~ Fixed: cannot save some settings options
~ Fixed: missing hook
~ Fixed: user can view lesson with single post type link
~ Fixed: issue with 'Buy This Course' button
~ Fixed: cannot change course author
~ Fixed: issue with Become a Teacher form
~ Fixed: instructor cannot add iframe into course/lesson/quiz content
~ Improved: auto detect video in lesson content and move it to the top (move to option)
~ Improved something...
= 3.0.5 =
+ Added: missing single course permalink options
~ Fixed: error notice when saving user profile
~ Fixed: date translation
~ Fixed: notice when viewing courses with Yoast SEO
~ Fixed: can't change author of the course
~ Fixed: preview lesson will redirect back to course
~ Fixed: some other bugs...
= 3.0.4 =
~ Improved: action when clicking to close upgrade notice
~ Fixed: can not add course from other users to order
~ Fixed: lost quiz data after upgrading
~ Fixed: user can view lesson/quiz with single permalink
~ Fixed: can not view lesson
~ Fixed: notices in admin orders
~ Fixed: external buy this course redirect to home page
~ Fixed: remaining time message with course duration is zero
~ Fixed: hidden sections action ajax admin course editor
~ Fixed: admin can not add course to order from other users
~ More...
= 3.0.3 =
~ Fixed quiz auto finish with duration is zero
~ Fixed pagination with quizzes in user profile
~ Fixed warning notice when getting current tab in profile
~ Fixed some issue in addons
= 3.0.2 =
~ Fixed PHP non-numeric cast type
~ Improved admin ajax for course/quiz/question editor
~ Fixed error when extending method from parent
~ Fixed invalid course progress label
~ Fixed invalid filter to course passing grade
~ Fixed empty course item class for other post types
= 3.0.1 =
~ Improved 'External link' button if user has enrolled course
~ Fixed category does not display courses (SO)
~ Fixed callback issue when sorting array|object
~ Fixed course auto finish if duration is 0
~ Fixed warning message when counting enrolled users
~ Fixed error when calling a method from object
+ Added position counter to course section
+ Update some default settings
+ Fixed some bugs...
= 3.0.0 =
+ Reset courses data for an user has enrolled course
+ Reset course data for users has enrolled course
+ Reset data of a quiz or lesson for an user
+ Enable a Guest user can buy and checkout
+ Option to show/hide login form in user profile
+ Option to show/hide register form in user profile
+ Option to show/hide login form in checkout page
+ Option to show/hide register form in Checkout page
+ Enable sort the payment gateways to show in frontend
+ Quick turn a payment gateway on/of in a list
+ Support plugins Mathjax
+ Widget to display course info
+ Widget to display current progress of a course
+ Custom frontend colors
+ Group emails to related action
+ Run action to send the emails in background
+ Quick edit question settings in it's quiz
+ Preview mode for course/lesson/quiz
+ Option to show list of questions as numbers below quiz while doing or reviewing
+ Display duration of lesson or quiz in curriculum
+ Display number questions of quiz
~ Improves popup for searching courses to add to an order
~ Improves Emails system
~ Improves Multi users order
~ Admin settings pages
~ No distraction mode
~ New course editor
~ New quiz editor
~ User profile
~ Improve cache for speed
~ Improve UI/Ux for both backend and frontend
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 0.9.19 =
In this version, we have changed a little bit about LearnPress Plugin directory structure and moved all add-ons to become independence plugins. If you face any problems relate to add-ons, please completely remove old version and re-install LearnPress. It does not affect your current data. Thank you.
== Other note ==
Documentation is available in ThimPress site.
LearnPress github repo.