=== LearnPress - Course Wishlist === Contributors: thimpress, tunnhn, kendy73 Donate link: Tags: lms, elearning, e-learning, learning management system, education, course, courses, quiz, quizzes, questions, training, guru, sell courses Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 4.9.4 Stable tag: 3.0.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html LearnPress Wishlist add wishlist feature to your LearnPress course in your site. == Description == **LearnPress** is a WordPress LMS Plugin by ThimPress. LearnPress Wishlist bring wishlist feature for LearnPress. It allows you to add your favorite course to a list to take later. We have created the LearnPress WordPress LMS plugin with add-ons structure in mind as well as keeping it as lightweight as possible, so together with other add-ons, Wishlist will help to complete LearnPress much more. Check out other add-ons for LearnPress below. Want to see it in action? See our [Educational WordPress Theme](http://themeforest.net/item/education-wordpress-theme-education-wp/14058034?utm_source=wporg&utm_medium=wishlist&ref=thimpress&utm_campaign=learnpress "Educational WordPress Theme"). **Other free add-ons for LearnPress are available in WordPress:** - LearnPress Course Review - review course for enrolled students. - LearnPress Import Export - export or import course or courses out-of-box. - LearnPress Prerequisites Courses - require student to pass some courses in order to enroll other course. - LearnPress bbPress - add bbPress Forum support for LearnPress. - LearnPress BuddyPress - add BuddyPress support for LearnPress. **Premium Plugins (add-ons) for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin** - Certificates add-on for LearnPress - adding drag & drop certificates builder as well as selecting designed certificate for each LMS course, your student will get particular certificate when they finished a course. - Co-instructors add-on for LearnPress - multiple instructors support for each LMS course. - Collections add-on for LearnPress - making LMS courses collection by selecting number of courses, this is helpful if you want to combine multiple LMS courses into a collection for a group of skills. - Stripe Payment method for LearnPress - Stripe payment method for LearnPress WordPress LMS Plugin. - WooCommerce add-on for LearnPress - using WooCommerce as payment gateway for LearnPrss WordPress LMS Plugin. == Installation == **From your WordPress dashboard** 1. Visit 'Plugin > Add new'. 2. Search for 'LearnPress Wishlist'. 3. Activate LearnPress from your Plugins page. **From WordPress.org** 1. Search, select and download LearnPress Wishlist. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Dashboard. == Frequently Asked Questions == Check out LearnPress sites. == Screenshots == 1. LearnPress Prerequisite screenshot. == Changelog == = 3.0.1 = + Fix bug not display Wishlist tab in profile page. + Fix bug not display correct thumbnails in Wishlist list. = 3.0.0 = + Compatible with Learnpress 3.0.0 = 2.0.1 = + Changed text domain to learnpress = 2.0 = + Updated to be compatible with LearnPress 2.0 + Added language files for Russian = 1.0 = + Compatible with LearnPress version 1.0 = 0.9.1 = 1. Updated language file = 0.9.0 = The first beta release. == Upgrade Notice == Later :) == Other note == Documentation is available in ThimPress site. LearnPress github repo.